Grow Your Business

Without The Grind 

For solopreneurs and owners who want to grow a profitable 6-7 figure business without sacrificing your personal life.

Let’s face it, you didn’t start your business to grind 60-80 hours/week without a break.

You started it for the freedom, income, and lifestyle you wanted it to provide.

Instead, you've become a victim of your own success and the work never ends.

I can help you get your life back by optimizing your business for profitable growth in less time.

Imagine if your business paid you the income you want in the hours you choose. It’s possible when you learn how to earn more while working less.

Your business can be the source of the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. 

Or the trap that keeps you grinding through nights and weekends.

The difference is in how you manage your time and growth.

Coaching for Overworked Owners Who Are

Solopreneurs, consultants, and small business owners doing 6 to 7 figures.


  • Chaotic 60-80 hour weeks

  • Not earning enough to feel secure

  • Grinding through nights & weekends

  • Neglecting your health & relationships

  • The business restricting your lifestyle

  • Never taking a break or vacation

  • Stuck doing it all yourself


  • Productive 40-50 hour weeks

  • Earning the money you deserve

  • Relaxing on nights & weekends

  • Prioritizing your health & relationships

  • The business benefiting your lifestyle

  • Enjoying downtime & vacations

  • Freeing yourself with systems and support


If your business is successful but isn’t providing the lifestyle you want. The more it grows the more your health, relationships, and freedom suffer.

You often work through nights and weekends to try to keep up, but even that’s not enough. You’re ready to break free from the constant demands and pressure.

You’re struggling to let go of doing it all yourself because you’re hesitant to hire support. You’re worried about trusting others to provide the same quality work.

You've hit your max capacity and more growth feels hard. You’re torn between pushing for more and slowing down to be more present in your life. 

You’re feeling reactive instead of proactive. Too focused on short-term problems to invest time in long-term solutions.

You have a different vision for your business but feel too busy to make it happen. You’re ready to change because you know you’re capable of more.

You're an expert in your industry but don’t have all the answers for business growth. You want guidance to create clarity and confidence on the path forward.

I know all this because I’ve been where you are and I can help you turn things around.

Your success doesn't have to be tied to suffering anymore.

I’ll help you build a business that makes you more money and saves more time!


Imagine this. In just 3 months, you go from being overworked, overwhelmed, and struggling to prioritize your life outside of work…

To feeling in control, earning thousands more, and reclaiming 10+ hours a week to fully enjoy your life today.

You’re growing a highly profitable 6 or 7-figure service business that provides the freedom, flexibility, and balance you want.

Now that you have your nights and weekends back you’re finally able to take better care of yourself and be more present with your family.

You even get to take that vacation you’ve been putting off for years.

That life may feel far away today but it’s within your reach!

I designed the Grow Without Grinding coaching program to help you make it a reality.

What would you do with an extra 10 hours to enjoy your life each week?


Personalized Growth Plan

Clarify your Earn More, Work Less Roadmap for a profitable business that works for you.

Reclaim 10+ Hours/week

Optimize your workflow and productivity for peak performance in fewer hours worked.

Earn More Money

Unlock a higher financial return from your services to earn what you deserve.

Streamlined Operations

Create sustainable success through proven systems and reliable support.

Clarity & Confidence

Get unstuck and start leading the business and life you’ve dreamt about with more focus.

Accountabilty & Action

Guidance and support through every step of the journey to keep you on track for your goals.


I’m Jordan, the founder of The Intentional Business.

My specialty is helping owners like you optimize and strategically grow your business while working less.

I know what it costs to grind for your success. 5 years ago I experienced full burnout in my career which led me to quit and rebuild my life.

Thankfully I found a better way. I went from being burnt out and lost to taking ownership of my time and freedom.

Since then, I’ve grown multiple 6 and 7-figure service businesses (in consulting, home services, and coaching) while working under 35 hours/week and taking two months of vacation each year.

I’m here to help you earn the money you deserve while having the time and freedom to enjoy your ideal lifestyle today!

Less Grinding, More Living!


How Does It Work?

  • We start by assessing your workload and business strategy to identify the quick wins to unlock more time and money as you grow.

  • Next we prioritize the top 2-3 changes that will create the highest financial return in the shortest time. Leading to tens of thousands in new profit.

  • Then we get you back 10+ hours/week to enjoy your life by increasing your productivity and focus on the right things.

  • With more time and money flowing in your business, we streamline your core systems to make further growth easier and more predictable.

  • If you feel ready, we identify the next ideal hire to buy back your time and freedom. I lead you through each step of finding and hiring reliable support.

Over 3 months of weekly 1 to 1 coaching, I help you

Are you done with growth at all costs and ready to reclaim your life from your business?

Take control and leave the grind behind!